The lovely ladies up for auction!

Mallory Kock is the ultimate girl next door, 25 years young and born and raised straight from Iowa and here in SF to add some spice and variety in her life. She's the SF version of Katie Holmes who drinks beer at the sports bar next door watching the game with the boys and knows how to have a good time no matter where she is. This girl is the best combination of brains, beauty, and the ultimate laid-back cool chick. If you want someone who knows how to relax and buy your 6 pack of beer for the superbowl - she's your gal. Oh by the way, she's absolutely beautiful in her natural state with jeans and a tank top. You'd be lucky not to grab this one while she's stlil on the market.

Constance Adamopoulos, our Greek and Spanish vibrant ball of energy is always up for a night on the town with a cigar in hand.  This sexy and saucy spirtfire that can't help but "own the room" anywhere she sets her foot in as she is a renoun events manager that has become a part of the social fabric behind most major events within San Francisco. Outside of paving the social landscape in San Francisco, her spends time with her family includign her beloved 6 year old son and is ready to take on any new spontaneous adventure any new suitor can present to her!

Caitlin Mac Donald, 23, is our SF version of  Jennifer Aniston with sophistication and style.  Born and raised in our backyard in Pleasanton, CA recently has moved into San Francisco and works at Rapleaf, a renoun Web 2.0 startup company and staying true to her "work hard, play hard" outlook on life. Caitlin is well versed in spending her free time in being part of an intermural soccer and kickball team, and celebrating her victories at a local pub with a Blue Moon beer.

Alex Shonkoff, is as vibrant as it comes in terms of her passion and energy, as she is one of the widely recognized young photojournalists throughout San Francisco. Our ambitious multi-tasker here came from a traditional suburban upbringing and has blossomed into one of the most eclectic artists out here that has impacted San Francisco's artistic landscape. In addition, Alex is the lead singer of a funk-metal rock band named "No Captains". She is always one up for spontaneity and adventure throughout the city with any gentleman up to the task.Alex Shonkoff, is as vibrant as it comes in terms of her passion and energy, as she is one of the widely recognized young photojournalists throughout San Francisco. Our ambitious multi-tasker here came from a traditional suburban upbringing and has blossomed into one of the most eclectic artists out here that has impacted San Francisco's artistic landscape. In addition, Alex is the lead singer of a funk-metal rock band named "No Captains". She is always one up for spontaneity and adventure throughout the city with any gentleman up to the task.

Courtney Brigham is our San Francisco bonafide, blonde bohemian dish with a side of sassiness.   As a fluent speaker of Japanese, Courtney is a traveling bug that brought her places from Japan to Australia. Born and raised in the California Central Coast, this Stanford grad is a culmination of brains and braun partaking in swimming and yoga while living out her entreprenurial spirit as a consultant for a web design firm. In her free time, Courtney is always up for a night of fun on the town for singing karaoke or staying in and watching Iron Man in her DVD player with a fat tire in her right hand.

Dannah Lewis radiates style, grace, and serenity when she walks into any room. This native Floridian and marketing executive for The Bar Method exercise company, ventured out to San Francisco to make a 180 degree career and life change and has not looked back for a second. In her pursuit of experiencing love, life, spirituality, and great food in San Francisco, Dannah enjoys simples pleasures and big moments. She also loves spending time with her family here in the Bay Area. Dannah is a true romantic falling head over heels for the charming, confident guy that can take the lead on and off the dance floor.

Inga Fischer, is our own gorgeous Russian export who lives life to the fullest with her positive energy.  This former runway model jetsetted out here to San Francisco in her youth and has never looked back as she has two bachelors degrees including one from the Academy of Arts and now is the owner of an art gallery Cal Modern . In her spare time, Inga enjoys her time horseback riding and in a constant search for the best sushi spot in town.  Any person who's got a taste for adventure can handle this firecracker.

There is a reason Daru Kawalkowski is one of the most photographed socialites in San Francisco; with a gorgeous physique and her long blonde hair, this bright ray of sunshine emanates positive energy in every room. Born and raised in Victoria, British Columbia, this young version of Donatella Versace (stylish, petite and tan) has a warmth and wisdom that guides her passion to help people live their lives to the optimum. A former model with a degree in psychology (summa cum laude) and a master’s in writing, she is currently renowned for her philanthropic efforts supporting the most prestigious San Francisco associations. These include SF Jazz, the San Francisco Ballet, SF Zoological Society and the University of San Francisco. In her leisure time, this dynamic Gemini is a gourmet cook and has prepared dinners for top chefs including Hubert Keller and Julian Serrano. It would take a special man to keep up with this gorgeous woman who can handle any day of hiking, sailing, and tennis. With her self-admitted addiction to hugs, who could be so lucky to lock this woman down?

Adryenn Ashley is our own saucy spitfire cross between Catherine Zeta Jones and Marilyn Monroe with genius in between. Born and raised in the North Bay as an actress, entrepreneur, and energetic cheerleader, Adryenn has kept up her enthusiasm and passion for life and now is the Chief Idea Bunny for Wow! Is Me, where she transforms everyday entrepreneurs into wildly successful business celebrities.   Her versatility and relatability to others has spurred her success and made her a much sought after expert.  Adryenn has
made many appearances on television and radio shows when she launched her award winning 'Sex in the City' meets 'Suze Orman' style book, "Every Single Girl's Guide to Her Future Husband's Last Divorce".  This ball of energy has versatility stamped on her forehead as she would love to spend time with any
beefcake whether its enjoying great food or camping in Yosemite. Anyone who loves enjoying life in the moment would be great for this sensual delight!

Bachelorette #10
Details coming soon.

Bachelorette #11
Details coming soon.

Bachelorette #12
Details coming soon.

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